My Couple of Words

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 29

Black and White!

Today's challenge over at White Peach Photography is for a black and white photo.  This is a very rare photograph I am able to capture of my son - he hates, hates having his picture taken.  I also had to include this one of my daughter as I liked it too.  Is it the mother in me can't leave one out - have to have a picture of both my kids.  Anyway have a look at everybody else's 'black and white' over at White Peach Photography .

Black and White

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crazy Days of Summer .....Yellow


The theme over at Project Alicia's Crazy Days of Summer for this week is Yellow.  I had taken a few yellow themed photos but when I saw this bunch of yellow roses in Tescos, I had to get them.

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 28


Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography is a photograph of 'flowers'.  Love these flowers and would love to have them in the garden but I don't know what they are called.  I find that I am taking more photos of flowers that I would like in the garden as I am the world's worst for remembering names of flowers and plants.  So next time I'm at a garden centre I will have an idea as to what I am looking for.  Anyway why don't you have look at everybody's 'flowers' over at White Peach Photography.

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 27

From a distance!

Ooops I am falling behind on the 30 Day Photography Challenge over on White Peach Photography.  Anyway today's challenge is a photograph 'from a distance'.  I captured this photo on the way home from my son's football match (they won!!!).  Why don't you head on over to White Peach Photography to have a look at everybody else's 'from a distance'.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

30 day Photography Challenge.....Day 26

Close Up

Over on White Peach Photography the challenge today is 'Close Up'.  Today's photo is a close up of darling Hubby, who is a very accommodating model!!!  I think I caught him off guard.  Have a look at everybody else's 'Close Up' on White Peach Photography.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge Day.....25

Pink Tutu!

Over on White Peach Photography the challenge today is for something 'pink'.  My photo today is of Chloe's Tutu when she was small and I had to include this second one as it is one of her favourite 'Chloe' bags.  One day it is tutu's and the next it is bags!  Where has my little girl gone?  Why don't you pop on over to White Peach Photography to have a look at everybody else's 'pinks'.

A Chloe Bag!

Friday, June 24, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 24

Too Cute!

Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography is a photograph of an 'animal'.  I don't know if Swans fall into this category but I just had to include these pictures.  I was out on the River Shannon with my hubby, he was fishing while I was just chillin when I saw this nest with a Swan and her goslings.  But when we got closer I noticed that one of the little goslings was on her mother's back - Mother Nature at it's best.  How cute is that!  Head on over to see everybody else's 'animals'.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 23

Sun Flare

Today's Challenge over at White Peach Photography is a photo of Sunflare.  I took this a couple of days ago when the sun was shinning one evening - not having great weather here so when the sun shines we have to take advantage of it.  Why don't you head on over to White Peach Photography to have a look at everybody's Sunflares.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 22

Today's challenge over at White Peach Photography is a picture of hands.  This is a photo of my daughter holding a cup of tea.  I used this photo as this cup is one of my favourites and I love the colour of Chloe's nail varnish.  I'm heading on over to White Peach Photography to have a look at everybody else's hands.

Crazy Days of Summer....

The theme over at Project Alicia this week is 'water'.  I took this picture at Bloom 2011, Ireland's largest Gardening, Food and Family event - Purple Water!

The schedule for the month of June and July includes:


Week 1, 3rd June - Flowers
Week 2, 10th June - Refreshing
Week 3, 17th June - Water
Week 4, 24th June - Yellow


Week 5, 1st - Light
Week 6, 8th - Patriotism
Week 7, 15th - Critters
Week 8, 22nd - Motion
Week 9, 29th - Bubbles

So for week 3, Water - here is my favourite image:


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge......Day 21

Faceless Self Portrait

Today's challenge over at White Peach Photography is a photo of a faceless self portrait.  I took this photo while I was waiting for Chloe, my daughter, who was at music classes.   The old green door caught my eye.  Have a look at everybody else's 'faceless self portraits'  over at  White Peach Photography.

Monday, June 20, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 20


This is a photograph I of took of an Iris, I think, I am not great with names of flowers and shrubs.  Anyway I took this picture beside the pond - the background is the water in the pond and also a sprinkler.  As I took the photo the sun was shinning on the water and the sprinkler creating some boken.  Have a look at everybody else's 'boken' over at White Peach Photography.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 19

Something orange!

Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography is to shoot something orange, so I took a picture of these flowers in my sister's garden.  Why don't you head on over to White Peach Photography to check out everybody's 'something orange'.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Happy Father's Day.....

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 18

My Shoes!

Today's challenge over at White Peach Photography is a photo of  'Your Shoes'.  These are shoes I bought recently at Next.  Because they are 'yellow' or 'mustard', I decided to take a picture outside (between the showers of rain!) in the lawn beside a lone buttercup.  Why don't you hop on over to White Peach Photography to have a look at everybody else's shoes.

Friday, June 17, 2011

30 Day Photo Challenge....Day 17


Today's 30 Day Photo Challenge over on White Peach Photography is Technology.  I decided to take a photo of my iphone, so I brought it outside and placed it on the grass and started to take a few photos, when I discovered this shot - it is my iphone placed on the grass and the relection of the trees above it.  Head on over to White Peach Photography to have a look at everybody's Technology shots.

Getting off Auto.....

Here's a cheat sheet I found over on Paper Heart Camera.  Isn't it brillant!  At the moment I am trying to figure out all the settings on my camera.  This is great, it summarises all the settings just on one sheet.

I've also found a tutorial on sunflare over on this blog, so I'm off to read up on it and hopefully produce something half decent for the Sunflare Challenge.  All I need now is a bit of sunshine - but it is not looking good!

You Rock......

Here's a recent Birthday card I made where I used Taylored Expressions kit which included stamps, papers, ribbons and embellishments.  'You're My Hero' is a set of 15 stamps which includes Guitars, Silhouettes of Singers and various Sentiments.  I find them great for teenage cards, especailly if they are into music.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 15

A Silhouette!

This a silhouette of my daughter sitting on a fence.  I'm afraid I'm cheating as this is a photo I took a while ago.  Unfortunately the weather here isn't that great at the moment for taking silhouettes outside.  No sign of the summer yet!  Have a look at everybody else's 'Silhouettes' over at White Peach Photography

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 14


Ooops!  I'm a day late with this challenge - Eyes and my daughter is going to kill me!  Anyway here she is getting ready for a disco and trying out false eyelashes - they didn't work out.  She was dissappointed, needles to say I wasn't.  Not a great photo but I can't wait to have it in years to come to show her.  Why don't you head on over to White Peach Photography  to have a look at everybody else's 'eyes'.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 13

13 Charms!

Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography is to photography yourself with 13 things!  For this photo I was going to gather up all my favourite 'things', like my camera, perfume, makeup, my coach bag, iphone, laptop, jewelry, etc. but decided to settle on my Pandora bracelet (which I love) and it's 13 Charms.
Have a look over on White Peach Photography for everybody else's '13 things!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge....Day 12

Hannah's Sunset

Day 12 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge over on White Peach Photography is a photography of a 'Sunset'.  Unfortunately we have no sun here today - only constant rain all day long!  Whre is the summer?  Anyway this is the best I could do - Hannah, my lovely & very talented niece painted this lovely canvas for Nanny and Grandad.  I took it using the the instagram app on the iphone - Hannah's Sunset.  Go have a look at everybody else's 'Sunsets' over at White Peach Photography.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 11

Something Blue!

Here's my 'something blue' for today.  The last time I was in New York with my daughter we took a trip to Tiffany's.  Well we had to get something to remember the trip by.  Anyway I love my Tiffany bracelet and the lovely little blue boxes that their jewerly comes in - so I had to keep it!  Why don't you go on over to White Peach Photography to have a look at everybody else's 'Something Blue'.

Friday, June 10, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 10

Childhood Memory

 Over on White Peach Photography, today's challenge is a Childhood Memory.  I loved reading as a child - these are some old books belonged to Chloe.  I'm heading on over toWhite Peach Photography to have a look at everybody else's 'Childhood Memories'.

10 things.....

10THINGS  on the 10th of every month is a new monthly blogging event over on for participants of Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers.  This challenge is to create a post about things, which can include, 10 photos of your day, 10 things you made this month, 10 things that inspired you - anything once it is 10 things on the tenth of each month.  Anyway I signed up for Shimelle's e-course, Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers, printed off the pdfs and was already to start but just couldn't get going, so this time I intend getting more involved.  I love photography and I feel I have so much to learn.  One of the things I keep seeing everywhere is that the only way you are going to learn is to practice, practice and more practice.  So I decided to join a photography challenge (or two).  The one I am participating in now is a 30 Day Photography Challenge over on White Peach Photography.  Every day you are given a prompt to take a photo.  Anyway today is the 10th day of the challenge so I'm going to include the 10 photos I have taken so far.  The prompts included:

Day1: Self Portrait....
Day2: What you wore today....
Day3: Clouds....
Day 4: Something Green....
Day 5:  From a high angle....
Day 6: From a low angle....
Day 7:  Fruit....
Day 8:  A bad habit....
Day 9:  Someone you love....
Day 10: Childhood memory....

10 things!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 9

Someone you love!

Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography is to take a picutre of someone you love.  This is the best I could get, Brian doing what he loves - off cyclying.  Go take a look at everybody else's "Someone you love" photos over at White Peach Photography.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge....Day 8

A bad habit!

Today's challange over on White Peach Photography is to take a photo of a 'bad habit'.  Was trying to come with ideas for a bad habit - it's not that I don't have any - when my daughter comes into the sitting room with a strawberry meringue with loads of fresh cream.  Well how could a person resist that?  One of my bad habits is that I love my food too much - the wrong type of food!  Have a look over on White Peach Photography  for everybody else's 'bad habits'!


On Sunday, we went to Bloom 2011, Ireland's largest gardening, food and family event, in the Pheonix Park, Dublin.  The show was on from Thursday 2nd to Monday 5th June and it included 27 show gardens from the very best of Irish landscape gardeners and designers, free gardening advice from experts and workshops, An Bord Bia's new Food Village which included 'Chef's Summer Kitchen' which had cookery demonstrations from a number of Ireland's well know celebrity chefs such as Catherine Fulvio, Neven Maguire, Donal Skehan and Jenni Bistrow.  There was also an Arnotts Fashion show hosted by Brendan Courtney and Sonya Lennon of RTE's Off the Rails.  There was so much to see and do - We thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the "rhubarb and custard" flavoured chocolates!  Here's a few pictures I took.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 7


Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography is 'fruit'.  I got my darling daughter, again to help me out with this photo.  I got her to hold an apple which had been munched on - it's meant to look like a heart!!!!  Anyway pop on over to White Peach Photography to check everybody else's photos out.

Monday, June 6, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 6

From a low angle

Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography was a photograph from a low angle!  Anyhow today I dragged my darling son out.  If I thought my daughter was reluctant, my son was worse but sometimes bribery works.  I had very little time to set up this shot so it didn't work out the way I wanted it - I would have preferred maybe a different angle.  Pop on over to see everybody else's shots on White Peach Photography.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Photo Challenge....

O.k. I am joining another photography challenge - am I mad, will I be able to keep this up.  This one is just once a week running for 4 weeks and it sounds like fun.  It is over on Project Alicia's Blog  and it is called Lazy Crazy Days of Summer  The schedule for the month of June includes:

Week 1, 3rd June - Flowers
Week 2, 10th June - Refreshing
Week 3, 17th June - Water
Week 4, 24th June - Yellow

So for week 1, Flowers - here is my favourite image:

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 5

From a high angle

Today's challenge over on White Peach Photography is 'from a high angle'.  For the challenge I dragged my reluctant daughter out into the garden.  I stood up on the steps up to the kids playhouse-treehouse, which they no longer use :( , so that I could take the picture from a high angle.  Why don't you pop over to White Peach Photography to see everybody else's photos.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 4

Something Green!

Today's 30 Day Photography Challenge over on White Peach Photography is 'Something Green!'.  These are new green shoots in hubby's vegetable patch.  So looking forward to having some of our own vegetables this year.  Have a look at everybody's photos over at White Peach Photography.

Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 3 Clouds

Day 3 Clouds

 Day 3 of the 30 Day Photography Challenge over on White Peach Photography is Clouds.  We've had nothing but wind and rain for nearly all of May so it is great to finally see a bit of blue sky and nice white fluffy cloulds.  Roll on summer!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 2

Today's challenge is 'What you wore today....'.  Well, I was working today so I usually find you end up wearing 'safe' and 'sensible' clothes in the office, i.e. black!

You have to have a look at what everybody else is wearing over at White Peach Photos.

30 Day Photography Challenge.....Day 1

I've decided to participate in the White Peach Photography's 30 Day Photography Challenge which started June 1st.  I am hoping to have fun, improve my photography and at the same time get out there and take more pictures.  But there's a big 'but' the first challenge is a 'A Self Portrait' - why, oh why do most of these challenges have a self portait as the first challenge?  Anyway I got out there and made a few attempts.